Bibles for Prisoners

Bible Truth Publishers
Bible Truth Publishers supplies free Bibles in English and Spanish to prisoners in the United States prison system. You may email to Bible Truth Publishers the information of the prisoner and they will send the Bible to them. In some prisons, an individual is not allowed to send items to prisoners while a charitable organization, such as Bible Truth Publishers, may do so.

This Bible is developed in conjunction with Prison Fellowship and is a powerful tool for prison ministry. This Bible has softcover binding, personal testimonies, and additional study helps.

Prison Fellowship

Rescued not Arrested
Our mission is to reach the incarcerated Internationally and their loved ones with the good news of the Gospels, the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). We have provided over 500,000 Bibles to inmates, Leper colonies and others internationally. We partner with over 500 prison Chaplains in the US alone to provide Bibles & Study Bibles free of charge each year. Locally, in Arizona jails and prisons we conduct Church services, re-entry support and one on one mentoring.

The Gideons International

If you have any questions or need help finding a particular video, tract, book or any other Christian resource in any language of the world, please contact